Here you will be able to read my uncensored opinion about every single enemy I have encountered in Devil May Cry 3 (I am not a profesional reviewer obviously, this is only my scream against universe and those who made some of the most atrocious and annoying enemies in existence imo). Some of my opinions might be exaggerated because I played the game on PC where for some reason sometimes after pressing attack button I had to wait 2 sec for Dante to actually attack.
For those who do not know what it is: Devil May Cry 3 is in 2005 released action kinda-rpg game by Capcom. The whole game consists of missions and is known not only for its characters, but also iconic combo system. And now to the fun part. In every mission player needs to defeat enemies to pass forward. Sometimes they can be evaded, but who the hell would play with stylish Dante and decide to run away from encounters(unless it is a speedrun).Some of these enemies are fine, some are annoying and some are unbearable and I want to rip my hair out every time I see them.
1. Hell:Pride
After just booting the game, hearing the top shit ost and seeing Dante's cutscene, these are first enemies thrown at the player. They keep spawning around you while you try to understand the controls. They are quite slow and as long as you follow their movements, they are fine. It is also quite easy to make combos, since they die quite fast.

2. Hell: Lust
Predictible guys. Tend to jump out of player's field of vision, do their iconic laught and sprint at you. Can be seen already in first mission, are a bit hard to handle at first, but later they are fine. Can be slightly annoying when you cannot understand from which side is that bastard coming at you.

3. Hell: Wrath
These can already be noticed in the second mission. When they spawn you instantly notice them, since these beasts start doing their iconic shrieking sounds every 2 seconds. When killing them with Ivory&Ebony, Wraths explode what can be strategicaly used, unless you are an idiot like me and somehow accidentely stand too close to them or cannot focus with that damn target system.

4. Hell Vanguard
The first boss. The one which will show you just how much you suck at this game you just opened. It has different attack patterns, but they are often predictible. The only problem I see with this one is how long it takes to defeat him. Perhaps I am just incompetent at this game, however, every time (especialy later in the game, where player needs to fight more than one) it takes more time to defeat it than my easily irritable ass can tolerate.

5. Enigma
Ok. These things. Well... Their debut is in the third mission on top of the bar roof or somewhere there. Enigmas are enemies with ranged attacks which is rare for Devil May Cry 3. Obviously because of the fixed camera angles, these guys are hard to properly see and attack. When you are close it is better to just finish those bastards with sword, since it is the fastest way. However. Sometimes it is inconvinient to get to them, so you have to shoot. And you cannot properly see them. You would not believe how often I waisted my time by thinking that my shots are getting to the enemy, but they get blocked by floor or wall or smth. When paired with other enemies, Enigmas start to become annoying.

6. Hell: Sloth
First appearence in the third mission. They are slow, but their attacks are heavy and powerful. Sloth uses teleportation with audio cue so it gives manageble amount of time for a player to roll sideways or dash and attack instanly back. One of my favourite enemies, fun to fight. Besides their appearence in that one goddamn mission where you have to evade hords of Sloths while trying to activate two wheels.

7. Cerberus
This is my favourite boss in the whole game. Have replayed third mission million times to just fight this guy again. Each Cerberus head has its own attacks and they are easy to evade, the ice on his heads need to be distroyed with firearms before player can properly attack with sword. After defeating him, player gets nunchucks and can do some crazy combos with those.

8. Hell: Gluttony
These guys are similar to previous Hells, only these can blast sand at the player. In general, they are fine, every time that sand attack is being implemented, before it the enemy is changing pose completely so it is easy to notice. As long as you re paying attention to it.

9. Gigabpede
One of the easiest boss who just takes a lot of time to defeat. Player can just stand on the platform, evade attacks, wait for this giant centripede to fly to them and jump on. After few seconds of combos, player gets either thrown off or jums of themselfs and just rinse and repeat that. It is just time consuming, however, lets be real, all bosses are time consuming if you are not a master at this game(which i am not).

10. Blood-goyle
Annoying fucks. The Jester summons them in mission five and after that they keep reapearing in every second encounter. Player has to shoot Blood-goyles so they would turn into statues and then destroy with a sword(or any other weapon). It is a fine strategy, however, every time you need to lock on a specific fucker and they are surounding you, it is hard to finish that specific one. After few seconds, the statues turn back into flying mode and keep annoying you.

11. Jester
Quite interesting to fight. Not very time consuming, has different attacks. Encounters are optional, however, I have skipped none, since he is just so entertaining. While attacking he has shield so it is possible to deal proper damage only when he stops doing that. Jester can spawn big head on top of which he stands and this head vomits fireballs, if you are too close for a while, it explodes.

12. Agny & Rudra
Quite hard to defeat, at least for me every time it takes few takes to do it. Since there are two enemies, there are twice the amount of attacks you need to evade. After killing of of them, the other geth a boost so it is better to get both of them on low health and then kill one. Quite a hassle to fight, takes a lot of time, but it can be said about most of the dmc3 boss fights. After this fight you also get the top weapon which ll be useful later on and can do shit ton of combos.

13. Damned Chessmen

Im putting all chessmen into one section just beacuse they are equaly annoying to me. They attack after specific time period and are slighly annoying to fight when in small groups. However. That one "boss" fight in one of the last missions..... When literaly every piece on board is attacking you..... Goddamn those things.

14. Vergil
I loved every fight. Especialy the first one(if the Mission before the fight wouldnt be so ass, I would replay it constantly). The best enemy of this game, in my opinion. My judgment might be biased because of the story, however, I think fighting him is fun, he uses different combos and looks very stylish while doing that. What makes him even better, is the fact that you can later play as him. Love this guy.
